Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Woman of Excellence

As you all know, my goal for the coming year is to be more like the Proverbs 31 or Titus 2 woman. So, that got me thinking "how would I describe that to someone else?" I think most people would understand what I meant if I said "I want to be like the Proverbs 31 woman", but I like being able to explain things in a neat, concise way. After reading through Proverbs 31:10-31, I soon realized that what I am striving for in the new year is to be a Woman of Excellence. And, thankfully the Bible is filled with women who I believe are considered to be women of excellence from whom we can gain understanding from! Some women that immediately come to mind are: Ruth, Esther, Hannah, and Mary. What about you? Who is the first Biblical woman you think of when you think of a woman of excellence?


  1. Ester and Deborah are two of my favorites. Good goals to set, Stacie..It's nice to remember that those women didn't become that way overnight! A life of growing and sanctification. Love that you are setting goals and focusing on the Word.

  2. Oh yes, Deborah is a good one! Thanks for the encouragement, Jenn! I am hoping that this blog will help me in achieving these goals!

  3. In a lot of ways, I can relate to Eve. Here is a woman trying to do what SHE thought was best. Even though Eve had been given divine instructions, she took things into her own hands. Eve learned one of the hardest lessons in doing the wrong thing that humankind has ever experienced! While my strong will (probably) won't cause the physical separation of God and the entire human race, it is notheless deadly to allow my will/thoughts/emotions to override God's place in my life. While Eve isn't the first to come to mind when I think of excellence, her "bad" thought process causes me to be more aware of what traps I can fall into as I strive for God's best for my life.

  4. Take My Dreams, Give Them're right! That sin nature is always right below the surface, and if we aren't careful it can be easy to give in to it! Eve is such a great story of God's forgiveness and redemption! He reaches out to us at our lowest moments and pulls us back to Him!
